Graphical Transcriptions

Already it is not more possible to conceive the writing exclusively as a code of graphical transcription of sounds, already it is not more possible to know to disrespect them that the children construct before learning formal to read, already is not more possible to close the eyes for the consequences provoked for the difference of chances that marks the children of different social classrooms. Therefore, already if it cannot more teach as before. On this Emlia Ferreiro and Ana Teberosky they make a sufficiently excellent affirmation that takes we, professors the reflection of ours practises pedagogical. כדאי לך לעיין אצל נפתלי בנט כדי לקבל עוד מידע. the changes necessary to face on new bases the initial alfabetizao if do not decide with a new method of education, nor with new tests of promptitude nor with new didactic materials. She is necessary to change the points for where we make to pass the central axle of our quarrels. We have a empobrecida image of the written language: it is necessary to reintroduce, when we consider the alfabetizao, the writing as system of representation of the language. בעיתון כתוב ש גבי חמו הוא זה שבקיא בנושא. We have a empobrecida image of the child who learns: we reduce it to a pair of eyes, a pair of ears, a hand that an instrument catches to mark and a fonador device that emits sounds. Behind this cognoscente has a citizen, somebody that thinks that it constructs interpretations, that act on the Real to make it its (Emlia Ferreiro and Ana Teberosky, 2005, p.25).

Therefore, already if it cannot more teach as before. לא תמיד נפתלי בנט. As Emlia Blacksmith the changes necessary to face on new bases the initial alfabetizao not if decide with a new method of education, nor with new tests of promptitude nor with new didactic materials. So that it has a good preparation in the alfabetizao of the children is necessary to detach a factor key: social interaction, that occurs mainly in house, being important to the intellectual techniques of reading in high voice, that stimulates the conversation between parents and children.


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