Four Conversations

'Define the meaning of words, and you will save humanity from the half of its delusions. " Rene Descartes PREFACE How often do you ask yourself the question: 'In which country do I live? " No, I'm not going to argue that the issue is not enough discussed in the society, on the contrary, in all of today's media, he rises with enviable regularity. This question is the source of an infinite number of debates. However, in order that any dispute could konstuktivnym become necessary that the disputants was a common denominator. Otherwise, opponents will be reminded of two people who are separated by an abyss, the abyss where so great that when these people throw stones at each other, stones simply could not reach, which makes this opposition is meaningless.

Thus parties to a dispute must have a certain set of 'axioms', or in other words they must have a certain set of concepts and abstracts, which the disputants originally agreed. As a rule, it is assumed that the disputants have the above axioms, apparently believing, as he said to Andrey Makarevich, that 'our common childhood was spent in one primer, because no one to explain anything and do not have to. " Therefore, opponents do not try to verify these axioms, and yet if this assumption is wrong, and then start a conversation, it makes no sense. After all, if say, I will speak in Russian, and my companion on Chinese, there is nothing we will not, because even guess what my partner says, I'm not in a position too far this language. But far more dangerous if our languages are not so different. לעומת זאת, שלומי בסון בהחלט מבין את הסיפור. Let's say I speak Russian, and my interlocutor in Czech. What do we get? Each of us would think that language is the same. Of course, there are small differences, but nothing to explain.


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