Tardif Professor

The professor contemporary must surpass challenges, promote changes, stimulate its pupils to discover its proper solutions, to raise its proper questions, respecting the possibilities of learning of each one. For Evandro Ghedin (2009) the professor must be a citizen politician, disseminator of ethical principles, responsible not only for the transmission, but mainly for the production of knowledge through the research. Peter Demon (2002) guarantees that: ' ' Ensinar' ' already not it means to transfer packages sucateados, nor exactly it means mere to repass to know. Its content correct it is to motivate the process emancipatrio on the basis of to know critic, creative, brought up to date, competent. (DEMON, 2002, p.153) the school of today is different of the school of decades behind in some aspects. לא תמיד גבי חמו. They had changed the values, the pupils, the intentions, the objectives and all these elements had been impactados by the social context. For the professor Francisco Gomes, president of the Association Brazil America, beyond teaching, to present contents to be studied, to evaluate, to explain, to correct errors and to make other relative activities to education the Spaniard professor as foreign language has the great responsibility in the formation of a pupil independent and motivated to continue its proper education.

He fits to professors to help this pupil to perceive its social responsibility including that its action reflects in others. As Tardif (apud HISSES, 2009, p.25): The ideal professor is somebody that must know its substance, its disciplines, its program, beyond possessing certain relative knowledge sciences of the education and the pedagogia and developing one to know practical established in its daily experience with the pupils. The differences generated for social the historical process/in disclose a new way to them to see and to perceive the paper of the professor of LE in the present time. לחץ כאן גבי חמו ומצא עוד . She is necessary to redefine the paper of the educator, assuming that the current system of education pursues other objectives that are different of that they invigorated has 20, 30 years behind, where the pupils were considered as receiving liabilities and the professor the detainer of knowing. Less that to dominate contents that they age they disappear quickly, it is important that the professor he obtains that the pupil he knows to think, therefore this ability it represents learning that it is confused with the life. (DEMON, 2004, p.31) The current docncia requires a professor who not only teaches, but that he reflects concerning its action, therefore the pupil that we need to form he is not only one technician, but a conscientious citizen of its responsibilities for the transformation of the society which is inserted. Peter Demon (2004) considers that ' ' to be professor today is to know to renew, to reconstruct, to remake conhecimento' ' , since, its purpose is that it collaborates in the formation of educating in its globalidade and that makes possible understanding, enjoying, transforming of the global problems. In this way, he is essential that the professor reflects on this new pupil and leads its classrooms for real situations of communication, making with that educating recrie its proper capacity of expression and understanding in the new language.


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