THE meaning of LOS dreams among the GREEKS in the monumental Iliad when Zeus needs to communicate a warning to King Agamemnon uses the late Nestor as emissary i appearing you confused between the shadows of the night, (shadow among shadows) warning him that he is a Messenger of Zeus as then the Archangel Gabriel is the Messenger's Yahveh. Other times the god Hermes (mercury in Roman, of volatile and winged feet then lowered by the Liberal pragmatists Cadet's bag or perhaps jobber) mediator of dreams appears to the cash; or this can be interpreted to reverse following the teachings of the orphics and Pythagoreans: to sleep, the soul leaks out provisionally the Tomb that is body and can freely visit the world of the gods as warn you us Homer 1 Aeschylus 2, Pindar, Euripides 3 and Xenophon 4. If this is true the oniromancia has both prestige and psychoanalysis that becomes a sacred communication so fearsome when It warned disaster was averted through sacrifices to gods apotropasicos. Euripides makes say to the defeated Queen of Troy, the Augustan Hecuba, darkness of the night! Why every obscure me come filled with terror? Sacred earth, mother of how many dreams that flutter with black wings! 5 So that dreams are the children of the Earth, germinate her as the seed in the humidity. Aristotle compared to dreams with images reflected in the water: any movement distorts them creating ghosts from a real object. In Plato's involved a strange visit debate between philosophers and is one of the few examples in which antiquity recognizes the woman an equal footing to discuss with illustrious men. Diotima there believed that dreams are caused by demones. They must come from them then follows Aristotle since if they come from God only sonarian divorce men and it is known that the worst scoundrels They also dream of.
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Posted on נובמבר 20, 2018, 4:41 pm By admin
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