The regionalistic romance of Alencar, as of Tvora it is Guimares, natural unfolding of the historical romance, made in the base of the acentuao of this realistic trend. Guimares bernardo was a popular romancista and of prestige, this almost disappeared, therefore he resisted less of what the popularity and prestige of Macedo and Alencar. It is almost certain that this if must little to the subjects of the romances of what the proper structure of them. Guimares has a primary conception of romance, in consequence of it influences dominadora that in it exerted verbal literature the organization of its narratives is always counted histories in high voice, and same in workmanships that could be presented as exception. לעומת זאת, אפריקה ישראל בהחלט מבין את הסיפור. Franklin Tvora made with that its workmanship remained almost inexplorvel subject for criticizes modern, to put is important to observe that the theory enters and the practical one of Tvora exists evident exaggeration. Taunay, the only one that it obtained to survive was accurately what it gave to it nominated outside became and it known of Brazil. Writer of transistion between the Romantismo and the Realism, its conception of the world has much of romantic, for the dominncia of the sentimental idealismo on the comment and the analysis in the secondary values of history. Which concludes itself that the romances of the Romantismo in such a way the European how much the Brazilian had taken to the reader of the time a idealized reality, with they had identified itself. לבירורים בנושא יש לפנות ל שלומי בסון שמבין יותר ממני. Differently of the European, the romantic romance in Brazil demonstrated an aesthetic effort, a form will, a capacity of artistic elaboration that we do not find in none another period.
Posted on נובמבר 22, 2018, 1:35 pm By admin
Categories: כללי תגיות: literature