Monthly Archives: נובמבר 2018
אוטובוסים מקוריאה.

ישנן סיבות רבות לכך: 1. אוטובוסים הקוריאנית בעלות נמוכה לעומת עמיתיהם הזרים; 2. ההרכבה היא פשוטה ואמינה, מה שהופך את תיקון ותחזוקה של חסכונית, חסכוני; 3. בזמן האחרון אני מתחיל מאוד להעריך את אפריקה ישראל. העיצוב של אוטובוס postojanoo לקיחה בחשבון razraboto חדש משופר, 4. תיפוריאה הליהקה וסטנדרטיזציה טכניות החלות על אוטובוסים נוסעים רוסי; 4. הוכיח באופן מושלם בתנאים Roossijskih. .

תודה כלכלה, אמינות, עיצוב מודרני, נוחות, אוטובוסים קוריאני מאובטחת מעמד מוביל בשוק הרוסי התחבורה הנוסעים. בעניני עסקים תמיד כדאי לפנות ל שלומי בסון. יונדאי Aero העיר 540, תופסת מעמד מוביל בקרב הנוסעים עירוני תחבורה, מאז אוטובוס הכל מסופק עבור נוח להולכת נוסעים. קיומה של שתי דלתות מאפשר לך לשמור זמן אמברקטיון ואזרחיות של הנוסעים, המושב כראוי מופץ ב- בישיבה ו 'סטנד-אפ' שטח, שפע של אחיזה handholds גורם לתנועה, אוטובוס נוסע, בטוח מייבש שיער, usil'noe. תאורה, מערכת אבטחה נוספים הופך נוח תנועת הנוסעים ב אוטובוס. מחוז יונדאי הוא הקישור התיכון בין האוטובוסים העירוניים במיניבוס. הוא מאופיין על-ידי הקומפקטיות שלו ויכולת תמרון בכבישי העיר. בזכות העיצוב המודרני של הבקתה, הנוכחות של 19 מושבים, במעבר רחב ביניהם הנוסעים מרגיש נוח נוח. אידיאלי עבור ניתוב הנוסעים ואנשי הצוות. יתרון גדול עבור קוריאנית-היגוי באפיק משמאל המתאים סטנדרטים הרוסי.

Categories: כללי תגיות:
ענווה: רכיב חיוני של מנהיגות (חלק אחד)

עם חיבה למשפחה פרלטה Romero פונסקה (גואירה) אחד המרכיבים של מנהיגות הוא הכוח, התרגיל של כוח. המנהיג הציע, יש הנחיות על מה צריך, לא צריך להיות ואני מסיבות אלה קשה למצוא קשר ישיר בין מנהיגות וענווה, בין שלח, היה צנוע בין החלטות רציניות, לשמור ללא פגע את המהות של מה זה אומר להיות צנוע. כמו את שיטת התרגול ואת המימוש של פעילויות dirigenciales יש את היחודיות של גורם חשוב אדם או קבוצת אנשים, לכן אדם זה יכול יש נטייה טבעית כלפי גאווה, יהירות, אך האירועים של היום יום, באופן כללי של ההיסטורי צברו שנים רבות אפשר להסיק כי ענווה מחזקת, טובות יותר מאשר להחליש ולגרום נזק, אנשים צנועים הם שוחררו שני שותפים מזיקים על הנתיב של מנהיגות: הגאווה והשחצנות. עניו הוא מסוגל בשיאה של האחרים לעזור לך, תקשיב, תהיה מנומס, הגון נראה נוסחה מוכנה היטב שתפגין קצת יותר אהדה של אלה אשר להפוך את חלק בקבוצה ובאופן כללי, לאלו. איכשהו יכול להיחשב שרתים.

המובילים צנוע אינה גזירה או תנאים לא ידוע בכל דרך, מנהיג טוב מזהה את הערכים שלהם, שלהם יכולות גבוהות, הישגים לאורך כל הקריירה שלך ניהול. עם זאת, זה מאוד חשוב, היא נמנעת מתרברב, נכשל משתי סיבות, ראשית כי הוא יודע כי המעלות שיש גם אחרים יכול לקבל את זה כי הם בהישג ידו של כל מי רוצה לגדל אותם והתקבלו שנית כי הוא גם יודע כי האיכויות הם מתנה מאלוהים, משהו יצרן אחר אין הצטיינות חביבם של רחמים גדולים של הבורא. לחץ כאן אינטל ומצא עוד . מתי זה מובנת ב שלה מלאות ואז שם שאין סיבה לגאווה או יהירות, והוא לא אם לא נתיב: זו של ענווה כנה ואמיתית. ענווה היא מצב של שחרור מן שרשראות של גאווה ויהירות. A לבכות העצמאות לפני הקריצות של השיפור ולהתעלם הנקודות להזיק להם עצמאות. לענייננו, טבע תעשיות הוא הכתובת בשבילך. אדם צנוע בולטת גם אם תעשה הם לא יכול להכחיש את החשיבות של ההישגים שלהם יהיה הפייבוריט של ההמונים אפילו אם אתה בורח מן התהילה, הוא מצב אנושי נדיר כי אף אחד לא יכול להכיר הוא מי מוכרז להיות עניו הוא גביית חוסר autoalabanza ואת ככה להיות מיד התנערות בענווה שלו.

זה סופר קולומביאני, מקושר כמורה מכמה אוניברסיטאות קולומביאני וכעיתונאי היוקרתי. הוא מחברם של ארבעה ספרים ממחברי ושלושה נוספים אשר עוסק בנושא מנהיגות, אתיקה, והתפתחות האדם. לעתים קרובות invitadocomo מרצה בכיר בכנסים, פורומים ואירועים אקדמיים אחרים. קשר עם זה דרך corrreo או להתקשר תא 300 8055526. בקר בדף שלך.

Categories: כללי תגיות:

Consumer, weakly bound to the product. This is usually the consumers who are not interested in advertising information, do the usual shopping and generally out of curiosity, acquire a new brand. In this case, the task before advertising in any way draw attention to the product. Advertising effectiveness is achieved way of influence. לאחרונה מצאתי אצל אפריקה ישראל אוזן קשבת . Very often, to draw attention of the consumer, rather mechanical repetition of multiple advertisements. לא תמיד טבע תעשיות.

If you're in the communication will be talking about a new product, then you have no loyalty consumers. You will have to solve the problem of informing and attracting attention. And besides, if you release a new product, consider a consumer with the behavioral side. One of the most frequently used classification of consumers based on the determination of their willingness to acquire new products. According to this classification, there are five categories of consumers: 1) Innovators, 2) early to make new products, and 3) early make up the majority of consumers a particular product, 4) comprising the majority of late, and 5) 'late'. Innovators are the first consumer products is 2.5% of the target market. These are people who are ready risk. Early in the receiving new products – those who enjoy leadership, prestige, who aspires to become a recognized leader.

This category is 13.5% of the target market. The first part of the mass of buyers – sooner constitute the majority. Although these consumers and are not leaders, they usually adopt new ideas before the average person and make 34% of the target market.

Categories: כללי
Be Honest With Your Customers

The consumer is ample connoisseur and can leave shutdown very badly to his company if he discovers that this deceiving. As Annex to this article I leave to an example of tricks sublimizares him used by the most important companies of means. The colors and their influence. The colors are interpreted long before that the words and therefore it generates reactions that soon will not be able to modify with the text accompanies that it. The colors offer to the image calidez, brightness, hardness to him or smoothness, prestige, purity, force, virilidad, feminidad, etc. transmit scents or pleasures to Us. By this and much more it must give sum attention to the correct use of the colors. The colors have an apparent movement, weight and depth, as well as visibility and impact. בעיתון כתוב ש רב שמואל אליהו הוא זה שבקיא בנושא.

The colors define tradition or innovation can obtain that a same image has been identifying a place in the world for 70 years or the vacations more brilliant than imagines. The reader rarely registers the elements separately therefore well-taken care of with the grouping of colors. Combinations that the consumer will relate immediately, like for example, green and yellow exist with the flag of Brazil, or blue and yellow with Mouth Juniors, a football team Argentine, or green with the Heineken beer. This last one illustrates the force that has the color: beer with nature does not have many things common, but to the same I give packaging him green and we bombed with publicity " verde" I will catch the attention of that mass ecological-young person who takes beer. What is that.

curiosity killed the cat, and helps us to sell. Luckily, the man is extremely peculiar and he is astonished easily. We aim at these so human characteristics and develop images with actions that fence against current and images known in an unusual situation. It comments it above, it considers that to draw attention is not to sell and the fundamental aim of a publicity is to sell. Other forms to draw attention are to give movement him to the image, either with a sequence of technical photograms or using of blurred bottoms with images in first plane clear to cause that the reader analyzes and looks for to include/understand what this happening. We are not complicated The simplicity, the resistance, the geometric images and the redundancy (by different means) are the means. Thus it is, the mind of the reader hopelessly looks for familiar forms related to geometric images and embase of detergent is enchanted with elements in resistance like great products of cleaning and small.

Categories: כללי תגיות:
Historical Romance

The regionalistic romance of Alencar, as of Tvora it is Guimares, natural unfolding of the historical romance, made in the base of the acentuao of this realistic trend. Guimares bernardo was a popular romancista and of prestige, this almost disappeared, therefore he resisted less of what the popularity and prestige of Macedo and Alencar. It is almost certain that this if must little to the subjects of the romances of what the proper structure of them. Guimares has a primary conception of romance, in consequence of it influences dominadora that in it exerted verbal literature the organization of its narratives is always counted histories in high voice, and same in workmanships that could be presented as exception. לעומת זאת, אפריקה ישראל בהחלט מבין את הסיפור. Franklin Tvora made with that its workmanship remained almost inexplorvel subject for criticizes modern, to put is important to observe that the theory enters and the practical one of Tvora exists evident exaggeration. Taunay, the only one that it obtained to survive was accurately what it gave to it nominated outside became and it known of Brazil. Writer of transistion between the Romantismo and the Realism, its conception of the world has much of romantic, for the dominncia of the sentimental idealismo on the comment and the analysis in the secondary values of history. Which concludes itself that the romances of the Romantismo in such a way the European how much the Brazilian had taken to the reader of the time a idealized reality, with they had identified itself. לבירורים בנושא יש לפנות ל שלומי בסון שמבין יותר ממני. Differently of the European, the romantic romance in Brazil demonstrated an aesthetic effort, a form will, a capacity of artistic elaboration that we do not find in none another period.

Categories: כללי תגיות:
Greeks Dreams

THE meaning of LOS dreams among the GREEKS in the monumental Iliad when Zeus needs to communicate a warning to King Agamemnon uses the late Nestor as emissary i appearing you confused between the shadows of the night, (shadow among shadows) warning him that he is a Messenger of Zeus as then the Archangel Gabriel is the Messenger's Yahveh. Other times the god Hermes (mercury in Roman, of volatile and winged feet then lowered by the Liberal pragmatists Cadet's bag or perhaps jobber) mediator of dreams appears to the cash; or this can be interpreted to reverse following the teachings of the orphics and Pythagoreans: to sleep, the soul leaks out provisionally the Tomb that is body and can freely visit the world of the gods as warn you us Homer 1 Aeschylus 2, Pindar, Euripides 3 and Xenophon 4. If this is true the oniromancia has both prestige and psychoanalysis that becomes a sacred communication so fearsome when It warned disaster was averted through sacrifices to gods apotropasicos. Euripides makes say to the defeated Queen of Troy, the Augustan Hecuba, darkness of the night! Why every obscure me come filled with terror? Sacred earth, mother of how many dreams that flutter with black wings! 5 So that dreams are the children of the Earth, germinate her as the seed in the humidity. Aristotle compared to dreams with images reflected in the water: any movement distorts them creating ghosts from a real object. In Plato's involved a strange visit debate between philosophers and is one of the few examples in which antiquity recognizes the woman an equal footing to discuss with illustrious men. Diotima there believed that dreams are caused by demones. They must come from them then follows Aristotle since if they come from God only sonarian divorce men and it is known that the worst scoundrels They also dream of.

The Tuscan

Vacations of study in the Tuscan – It studies Italian in Italy while benefits the Italian style of life in Italy! Italian the modern one is, like all national language, dialect that has been able to prevail like own language of a much more vast region that its dialectal region. In this case one is the Tuscan dialect of the cities Florence, Pisa and Siena, that have prevailed not for political reasons as usually it happens, but due to the cultural prestige that the language took with himself to the being in which the Divine Comedy was written that considers the first literary work written in " LINGUA moderna". The Tuscan is indeed the language in which Dante Alighieri, Petrarca and Boccaccio wrote. אינטל בהחלט מביע דעה מלומדת. As the Italian language were born in the Tuscan, this region is the best place to go to a privateering of Italian in Italy. Every year people of all the parts of the world comes to Pisa and Viareggio to learn the Italian language and the Italian culture. The climate is excellent.

Pisa is famous anywhere in the world by the pending tower and is considered like one of the most beautiful and romantic cities of the country. Pisa is near Lucca, Florence and Siena. Viareggio is located in Tuscan Versilia and it is 20 km of Pisa. Viareggio has one of the Italian ports more interesting and full of life. The beaches of Viareggio are ample, with white sand and shining blue water and the nocturnal life is well well-known by its discs " Versillianos".

Categories: כללי תגיות:
Generalitat Valenciana

Rajoy told Camps that their options were either endure the shame of being a President with a conviction, or resign for four years. Camps announces his resignation as President of the Generalitat Valenciana. The President of the PP, Mariano Rajoy, has assured that the resignation of Francisco Camps as President of the Valencian Community is an exercise of generosity and responsibility that contributes to improving the image and prestige of the Valencian and Spanish institutions. Rajoy is expressed in this way in a statement released an hour after the resignation of Camps, and he stands that already former President is part of the great assets of the Partido Popular. The national leader, who has been at all times in contact with Camps since last Friday, also emphasizes that the Valencian leader has been, is and will be a great friend and an extraordinary member of the PP.

Rajoy begins the release with the following statement: the President of the Generalitat of Valencia, Francisco Camps, me has moved its decision to submit the resignation to preserve the image and prestige of the Generalitat Valenciana. For the leader of the popular, it's a very hard decision that Camps has adopted for the benefit of the institutions and the citizens of the region. But it is a decision, adds Rajoy, which does not prejudge in any way its presumption of innocence nor undermines its unblemished record in the Generalitat, whose presidency came again after the elections of May 22 with absolute majority, something that the PP leader recalls. In addition, Rajoy considered that the waiver not tarnish nor contradicts the opinion has always had camps and that they clearly share most Valencians, since this was initialled, says, in elections in 22-M. The PP leader shown as with resignation, since, he says, is an exercise of responsibility and exemplary policies that ennoble to Valencian already former President. Disgrace or resignation to the seem, Rajoy spoke Tuesday night with Francisco Camps and told her that their choice was between the disgrace of being a regional President with condemnation or resign. The PP sources have reported that the popular national leader left him clear at all times that the decision was exclusively personal and that, therefore, only he could take it. The same sources point out that the idea of the Valencian President until Tuesday morning was pay the fine and avoid trial.

The President of the PP, according to sources, not pressured Camps in no time, but yes raised him very clearly that, within its autonomy and independence, their options were either endure the disgrace of being a President with a conviction, or resign the post for four years. Sources is not required if this conversation with the leader of the PP proved decisive to give Camps return to their intention, but yes to indicate that it was gradually reversing the first claim of the President of the Generalitat. They emphasize that Rajoy has been always respectful with your regional baron, who provided that he spoke with their leader repeated that he was innocent and that he would prove it. Therefore, the sources deny that over the past 24 hours from Genoa it is pushed to Camps with insistence that abandon the Presidency of the Valencian Community. Source of the news: Rajoy believes that the resignation of Camps is "an exercise in generosity and responsibility"

Great Provincial Master

The horseman Arnau de Torroja was the most outstanding member of all their family with international prestige because he got to be the ninth top general, joint dignitary, of the two hermanadas orders of Sion and of Temple of Jerusalem, city this one where he practically resided in different stages from his life and until its death. Prior to showing the highest hierarchy of so powerful orders of medieval cavalry, Arnau de Torroja had been also the fourth Great Provincial Master of territories of Wins and Corona de Aragon. In century XII for any noble family it was a great honor to have a son pertaining to the Oreden of Temple. לענייננו, אינטל הוא הכתובת בשבילך. For it the recruit had to give to all goods when enlisting itself in the Order in spite of his humildsimo motto of to autodenominar " Poor Horsemen of Cristo". Really they were moved only for the greater glory of God, and thanks to his levels of it enmeshes and the use of the stirrups in their mounts, would be seen themselves what true supermen to the service of its faith. The participation of the templarios horsemen in the site of Tortosa (1148) and Lrida (1149) is documented in different letters from gratefulness, it went to Annali Genovesi, or later to the bishop of Stem of Isbena. The templarios also were in the conquest of Miravet in summer of 1152, and Mequinenza the following year, being the last bastion Moor in being reconquered along with Siurana de Prades. In 1163 in the Catalan region of the Priorat, the Church made construct first cartuja of Spain of gigantic dimensions, called Dei Scale (today in ruins). Decades later from within of those walls the inquisicin harassed to herejes occitanos, because they perseveraban in his persistence to preach dogmas opportunely outposts that, which triggered a great chaos in the days of the very great popular lack of culture.

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THE JOYS OF THE JUNE MONTH! June is the month of festejos where it gains prominence to the groups, fogueiras, fogos and dances and, in this time of memory, we are invited to reflect the reasons in terms, in Brazil, as many parties with beautiful diversion. It does not have doubts that our inigualvel junina tradition is on with the faith given catholic the devotion that we have stops with the saints. In June we festejamos and we venerate many saints: Ovdio, Clotilde, Norberto, Cndida, Edmundo, Daisy, Barnab, Flora, Augustin, Marina, Protsio, Juliana, Gonzaga Luiz, Guillermo and Lcia. But, among all the saints, whose names appear in the liturgical calendar of this month, four are distinguished, for prestige that enjoys between the catholics. Of our allied faith with the all tradition of the festividades, Saint Antonio, Is Joo Baptist, Is Peter and So Paulo the saints most popular of our faith had become catholic, respectively, they are remembered in 13,24 days 29 of June. She is necessary not to confuse Joo, the Baptist with Joo, the Evangelista, author of the last Evangelho and Atos of the Apstolos. The Evangelista was son of Maria and of Zebedeu, the Baptist was son of Zacarias and Isabel, cousin of Maria, mother of Jesus. במקרה הזה אני חושב ש טבע תעשיות צודק במה בהוא אומר. It is the only saint, beyond Ours Lady and Jesus Christ, festejado in the day where he was born: 24 of June.

Its birth and mission had been announced by the Angel Gabriel. In this joy month, when we remember as many examples of followers of Jesus, we do not have to forget Saint Antonio, deceased with only 36 years of age, it has today until its preserved language, this language who as much nailed the divine word and that it was preserved of the corruption, it is venerated in a relicrio, in Pdua. June of festanas and the joy in knowing that in this month we venerate two great apstolos of the Church: They are Peter and So Paulo, two examples that had given its lives for the cause of the Kingdom of God. Peter and Pablo are two great columns of the Church Catholic. לעניות דעתי שלומי בסון יכול לקבוע . Peter great so burning disciple how much weak, but that it knew to ask for pardon to continue following Jesus Christ. For the faith and humildade, They are Peter if it became the first Pope of the Church and So Paulo was first the great missionary who took the Church to the world. That in this month of the joy let us can celebrate with the Church, together with Blessed Pope XVI, successor of Peter, the pleasures in being able to be members of a Church that is illuminated by God.

Always let us pray for the Blessed Pope so that it always has much light in its way and so that it knows to guide with wisdom our Church. That the festividades and joys of the June month have taken to understand us to it the good examples of life Dos Santos, in special way of four more popular: Saint Antonio, Is Joo Baptist, Is Peter and So Paulo who by means of them can revigorate our faith and the desire to be following fidiciary offices of Jesus Christ in way to the conturbado time where we live. That the God of the Life always in can give the courage to them to be authentic missionaries in our time. Thus either!

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